The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Professor Auth's Math 20100 Page




You will submit a weekly hw assignment on Sunday nights before midnight to Gradescope. Follow the instructions here variable length submission. Most students prefer to submit one PDF that contains the whole submission; Gradescope will ask you to mark where each answer is.

Textbook Exercises

The best way to learn the material is to consistently do many suggested textbook exercises. It is better to spend a couple hours every day doing textbook exercises rather than spending the weekend before the exam cramming for eight hours a day. Consider the final exam like running a marathon and the problems as your training sessions. If you consistently do problems (train) then you will be well-prepared for the final exam. However if you have long gaps between working on problems you will always have difficulty getting back into the math mindset necessary to complete the problems. The first day of training is always the most painful. When I studied math in college I learned most by attempting to work out many of the odd numbered exercises in my textbooks and then checking my answers.

CCNY Math Tutoring

Fall 24 Tutoring Schedule

Sample Exams

All quiz and exam questions will be modeled on the suggested textbook exercises, sometimes the quiz and exam questions are identical to suggested textbook exercises. If you've worked through a wide portion the suggested textbook exercises, there should be no surprises on exams.

Sample Midterm Exam 1

Sample Midterm Exam 2

Sample Midterm Exam 3

Sample Final

Sample Final Solutions

Grading Factors

HW Average: 4% of course grade.

Quiz Average: 14% of course grade.

Midterm Exam 1: 14% of course grade.

Midterm Exam 2: 14% of course grade.

Midterm Exam 2: 14% of course grade.

Final exam 40% of course grade

At the end of the course if your final exam grade is superior to any of your midterm exam grades, then you can use your final exam grade to replace all lower midterm exam average(s). For instance, if at the end of the semester your hw average is 92, your quiz average is 79, your midterm 1 grade is 70, midterm 2 grade is 0 (sick), midterm 3 grade is 88, and your final exam grade is 81 then your course grade will be computed as 4% * 92 + 14% * 79 + 14% * 88 + 68% * 81 = 82.14. One way to think of these grading factors is that your performance on the midterms cannot hurt your final grade, as compared to your final exam grade. You cannot drop your 4% hw grade, your 14% quiz average or your final exam grade. Your final exam grade will count at least 40% of your course grade.

With these grading factors you will be less stressed taking the midterms, knowing that you can replace a bad score with your final exam score. Moreover, if you feel ill or must assist a sick family member or friend, you can skip any assessment, except the final. You must take the final. If you are sick for the final, do not come to campus. There will be a make-up final exam for students who miss the final with a reason. The final will serve as the make-up for all midterms.

Exam questions will be similar to the suggested textbook homework questions, exact replicas sometimes. You should attempt all the assigned homework problems to learn the material and prepare for quizzes and exams. If you have done all assigned hw problems, there should be no surprises on quizzes and exams.

Videos and Exercise Sets (Optional)

Calculus Video and (Optional) Exercise Links to our course and textbook

Free Graphing Software

Desmos Graphing

CCNY Math 201 Page

A syllabus with topic list, old exams, and general info about math 201 at CCNY.

Math 20100

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