The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Math 19500: Precalculus

Supervisor: David John

Intervals, inequalities, operations on functions, inverse functions, graphing polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and formulas. Prereq.: A grade of C or above in MATH 19000 or placement. 4 hr./wk.; 3 cr. 195 CLO


Welcome to PreCalculus!

In this course, we will prepare you for the rigors of the CCNY Calculus sequence. Specifically, you will work with a standard library of single-variable functions to understand their algebraic and geometric properties. These functions will form the foundations of a mathematical toolbox you will rely on throughout any future mathematics course.



Text and Materials

  1. Algebra and Trigonometry, 2nd Edition, and Intermediate Algebra (Chapter 11)


Course Grades

Your course grade will be weighted and calculated as follows:

Assessments Weight
Exams 33%
Final Exam 40%
Quizzes 10%
Hw 8%
Weekly Tutoring Requirement 9%

The lowest exam score will be dropped.

Sample Final Exams

Sample Final A

How to Succeed in this class

How to Succeed in this class


For Spring 2025, the following sections are being offered:

LetterInstructorTime & Place
ABJay JorgensonMoWe 8:00AM-9:40AM in NAC 0/201
CDEvan ScottMoWe 12:00PM-1:40PM in NAC 6/121
EFChun Sae ParkMoWe 2:00PM-3:40PM in NAC 6/111
FGJoseph DacanayMoWe 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 5/108
FG2To be AnnouncedMoWe 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 6/113
GHSebastian OrtizMoWe 6:00PM-7:40PM in NAC 4/115
KLXiaoyan YangTuTh 8:00AM-9:40AM in Marshak MR4
KL2Bruno NussenzveigTuTh 8:00AM-9:40AM in NAC 4/115
LMMutasim MimTuTh 10:00AM-11:40AM in NAC 5/108
PRNicholas VideenTuTh 2:00PM-3:40PM in NAC 6/115
RSPatrick OkpoTuTh 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 6/114
STModou DieneTuTh 6:00PM-7:40PM in NAC 0/201

Historical offerings

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