One Year Graduation Plan

Master's Degree in Mathematics

The requirements of the program have just changed. Our program website has the current requirements. As of now the bulletin entry for the program is out of date, but it should be accurate by the Fall 2025 semester.

Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4
1st (Fall) 8 credits Math A3200: Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1 (4 cr) Math A4600: Linear Algebra (4 cr) Math A4900: Modern Algebra 1 (4 cr) Math A7800: Advanced Mathematical Statistics (4 cr)
2nd (Spring) 12 credits Math A1203: Topics in Applied Mathematics (3 cr) Math A3400: Theory of Functions of a Real Variable 1 (4 cr) Math A6300: Topology 1 (4 cr) Math A9803: Independent Study (3 cr)

Credit requirement: At least 30 graduate credits are required for the degree.

Undergraduate prerequisites: A course in Linear Algebra and two semesters of undergraduate Real Analysis are prerequisites to entering the MS program. However, students missing these prerequisites may be conditionally admitted to the program under the stipulation that these undergraduate courses (Math 346, Math 323, Math 324) are completed in the first year of study. These courses do not count towards the 30 credit requirement for graduation.

Required courses: At least three Mathematics courses from this list are required: A3200, A3400, A4900, A6300, A7700, A7800.