The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Math 32300: Advanced Calculus I

Supervisor: Tamara Kucherenko

Sequences, properties of continuous functions, derivatives and differentials, functions defined by series, integrability and integrals, convergence of function sequences. Prereq.: Grade of C or higher in MATH 30800 or departmental permission. 4 HR./WK.; 4 CR.

The course textbook will vary with the instructor. Frequently, the textbook used is Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus (2nd edition) by Kenneth A. Ross. You may use this link to find the book in the online library. To download this book do the following:

(1) Click the the second link labeled “Springer Mathematics and Statistics eBooks 2013 English/International”

(2) Sign in using your City College e-mail credentials.

(3) Click “Download book PDF”

Accelerated Masters Degree

After successful completion of this course for a B or better, it is worth considering applying for the Accelerated Master's Degree Program. Entering this program gives you the option to complete an MS rapidly after your bachelor's degree, though entering the accelerated program does not obligate you to complete the MS.



For Spring 2025, the following sections are being offered:

LetterInstructorTime & Place
FGKeino BrownMoWe 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 4/130

Historical offerings

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