The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Accelerated Master's Degree

The Mathematics Department's Accelerated Master's Degree Program is designed so that talented undergraduate mathematics majors on the Pure Mathematics track can get their Mathematics Master's Degree in 1 year after completing their Bachelor's Degree.

Information on this page:

Description of Program

Undergraduate students accepted to the Accelerated Mathematics MS program will be able to apply up to 12 credits of graduate courses in the mathematics department (any of our A-level and B-level graduate courses) to both their undergraduate Mathematics degree (BA or BS) and the Mathematics MS requirements.

Specifically, this program interacts with the Mathematics BA/BS in the following ways:

  • The department requires an undergraduate algebra course (Math 34700 or 44900). The department will allow the graduate algebra course (Math A4900) to count toward this requirement.
  • The department requires three elective mathematics courses for the BA/BS. The department will allow all A-level and B-level mathematics courses other than independent study courses to count towards these elective requirements. Up to three different A-level and B-level courses can count independently.

Requirements for the Mathematics MS remain the same. Students usually take a total of 8 MS Mathematics courses to graduate. Depending on the number of MS courses you take as an undergraduate, this program can reduce the number of courses needed to get your MS degree to 5-7 course. See our Master's degree requirements page for more detail on our MS degree requirements.

You still need to apply to the MS Program in your last semester as a normal student. You can find out more about our Graduate Program including application information on our Graduate Program page.

Who should apply?

It makes sense to apply to the Accelerated Mathematics MS program if you are an undergraduate on the Pure Mathematics track who will take mathematics graduate courses at CCNY. Being admitted to the program gives you the option of double counting these courses towards both degrees if you decide to continue for an MS degree. By applying to the program you are making no commitment to pursue an MS degree.

Expectations in graduate courses are higher than those in undergraduate courses, so this track is not for everyone. It would be a good idea to ask your mathematics professors and your department assigned advisor if they think you are ready.

It makes sense to apply to this program even if you think your chances of wanting to pursue a Master's in Mathematics at CCNY are low. For example, if you intend on entering a PhD program after receiving your Bachelor's, then you should apply, because pursuing a MS in Math at CCNY is a reasonable backup plan in case you are not admitted to a PhD program. (CCNY Math faculty generally believe that if you would like to enter a PhD program in Mathematics, it makes sense to enter that program as soon as reasonably possible.)

Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the program, a student must:

  • be a current CUNY undergraduate student with a declared mathematics major on the pure mathematics track,
  • have at least 60 credits and have an overall GPA of at least 3.0,
  • have a 3.3 minimum GPA in Mathematics courses at the 20000-level and above, and
  • have received a grade of B or better in Math 32300: Advanced Calculus I or in a course deemed equivalent by the Mathematics Graduate Advisor(s).

Application Procedure

Applicants must submit a completed application form, two letters of recommendation from Mathematics faculty, and a personal statement describing their mathematical interests and tentative post-degree plans. The application form is available as a PDF document at the bottom of this page.

Applications should be sent to the Graduate Advisor(s) at

It would be reasonable to apply towards the end of the semester in which you take Math 323. In this case, you wouldn't be notified of acceptance until your grades come in for the semester.

Program Requirements

Undergraduate students in the accelerated MS program are required to:

  • maintain a GPA of 3.0 in undergraduate mathematics courses at the 20000-level and above,
  • maintain a GPA of 3.0 in Master’s level mathematics courses, and
  • receive a grade of B or better in Math 32404: Advanced Calculus II by the end of the semester after they are admitted to the program (or within a year if permitted by the Graduate Advisor).

Students who are not making good progress toward the requirements or whose major GPA falls below 3.0 in either undergraduate or graduate mathematics courses will be given one term to rectify the situation. Students unable to do so will be dismissed from the program.

Program Costs

While you are an undergraduate without enough credits (usually 120) to receive your baccalaureate degree, you will be charged undergraduate tuition. Any credits taken after that number will be charged at the appropriate graduate program level. See the CUNY Tuition and Fee Manual for more information on this policy.

After entering the Master's program, you will be charged standard graduate tuition for Mathematics Master's students and will have the same financial resources available. See our Graduate Funding page for financial information on being a Master's student.

Program Contact Information

Send questions about the Accelerated Mathematics Master's Program to the Graduate Chair(s).


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