Tamara Kucherenko

- Position
- Professor
- tkucherenko@ccny.cuny.edu
- Office
- MR 307 B
- Office hours
- M,W 10:00-11:00 AM
- Office phone
- (212) 650-5305
- Homepage
- http://tamara.ccny.cuny.edu/
My native town is Kharkov, Ukraine. I attended Kharkov National University to study mathematics and eventually came to the US for graduate studies. In 2005, I received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Missouri. For the following five years, I held the position of Adjunct Assistant Professor at UCLA until crossing the country to arrive at City College.
Research interests
Thermodynamic formalism, smooth ergodic theory, rotation theory, symbolic dynamics.
(1) Ergodic theory on coded shift spaces (joint with Martin Schmoll and Christian Wolf) Advances in Mathematics, Vollume 457 (2024).
(2) Nonlinear thermodynamic formalism through the lens of rotation theory Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Volume 44, Issue 12 (2024), 3760-3773.
(3) Flexibility of the pressure function (joint with Anthony Quas) Communications in Mathematical Physics 395 (2022), 1431–1461.
(4) Multiple phase transitions on compact symbolic systems (joint with Anthony Quas and Christian Wolf) Advances in Mathematics 385 (2021), 107768.
(5) Measures of maximal entropy on subsystems of topological suspension semi-flows (joint with Dan Thompson) Studia Mathematica 260 (2) (2021), 229-240.
(6) Measures of maximal entropy for suspension flows over the full shift (joint with Dan Thompson) Mathematische Zeitschrift, 294 (1) (2020), 769-781.
(7) Ground States and Zero Temperature Measures at the Boundary of Rotation Sets (joint with Christian Wolf) Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 39 (1) (2019), 201-224.
(8) A suspension flow over the full shift with two distinct measures of maximal entropy (joint with Dan Thompson) Topology Proceedings 52 (2018), 321-328.
(9) Entropy and rotation sets: A toymodel approach (joint with Christian Wolf) Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 18 (2016).
(10) Localized pressure and equilibrium states (joint with Christian Wolf) Journal of Statistical Phisics 160 (2015), 1529--1544.
(11) Localized Variational Principle for Non-Besicovitch Metric Spaces Topology and its Applications 190 (2015), 22-30.
(12) Comments on the paper: Operators with an absolute functional calculus Nigel J. Kalton Selecta, Vol. 1, (F. Gesztesy, G. Godefroy, L. Grafakos, and I. Verbitsky, editors), Contemporary Mathematicians, Birkhäuser-Springer, (2015).
(13) Geometry and entropy of generalized rotation sets (joint with Christian Wolf) Israel Journal of Mathematics 199 (2014), 791-829.
(14) Operators with an absolute functional calculus (joint with Nigel Kalton) Mathematische Annalen 346 (2010), 259-306.
(15) Rademacher bounded families of operators on L_1 (joint with Nigel Kalton) Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 136 (2008), 263-272.
(16) Sectorial operators and interpolation theory (joint with Nigel Kalton) Contemporary Mathematics 445 (2007), 111-119.
(17) Real interpolation of domains of sectorial operators on Lp-spaces (joint with Lutz Weis) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 310 (2005), 278-285.
(18) R-bounded approximating sequences and applications to semigroups (joint with Mark Hoffmann and Nigel Kalton) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 294 (2004), 373-386.
(19) Weak topologies and properties fulfilled almost everywhere (joint with Vladimir Kadets) Math. Fiz. Anal. Geom. 8 (2001), 261-271.
For Spring 2025, Tamara Kucherenko is teaching:
- Math 21200-LM: Calculus II; TuTh 10:00AM-11:40AM in NAC 5/126