The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Math 20100: Calculus I

Supervisor: Cheikhna Mahawa Diagana

Limits, continuity, derivatives, differentiation and its applications, differentials, definite and indefinite integrals. Prerequisite: grade of C or higher in Math 19500 or placement by the Department. Credit will be given for only one of the following courses: Math 20100 or 20500. (Part of sequence 20100, 21200, 21300.) 4 hr./wk.; 4 cr.

Instructor Course Guide line

Beginning of Fall 2023, We will be using this Textbook: Stewart: Early Transcendentals (9th ed.), Clegg and Watson. ISBN: 9781337613927. For more information click the link below:

Math 201 Instructor information

Syllabus and Course Learning Outcome (CLO)


  1. WebWork (Online-based), which you can access from search for.
  2. Class work: counts 60% and consists of Quizzes, midterms,( WebWork & Homework). WebWork & Homework together < 10 % and maybe closer to 5 %.
  3. Fial Exam: Counts 40%

Sample of Final Exams

  1. Sample Final Exam 1
  2. Sample Final Exam 2 and Sample Final 2 Solution
  3. Sample Final Exam 3 and Sample Final Exam 3- Solution Fall 2021

Lecture plan and Algebra Review

Help/Tutoring in Marshak, Room 106

  • In-person tutoring is available in Marshak, Room 106. No appointment necessary.
  • For more information please email the Tutor Coordinator, Andy Trafford, at

Artino-Lab Tutoring Schedule in NAC 1/511

Working through problems is the best way to learn math. In order to help you start working on problems we are providing weekly problem-solving sessions this semester. Please attend any (or all) of the below scheduled problem sessions. All problem sessions (in-person and remote) will run only on days when campus is open. Sunday remote sessions will only run when campus is open on the Saturday prior.

Do not wait until immediately before your exam to begin working on problems. Start attending a weekly problem session now. The email of Artino Math tutoring center is and phone number Call Artino Lab Math Tutoring center

  1. In-person and Remote

    • Monday and Wednesday 10:00 - 6:00 pm
    • Tuesday and Thursdays: 10:30 - 8:30 pm
    • Fridays 12:00 - 5:00 pm
  2. Remote only

    • Saturday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    • Sunday 5:00 - 10:00 pm


For Spring 2025, the following sections are being offered:

LetterInstructorTime & Place
ABCheikhna Mahawa DiaganaMoWe 8:00AM-9:40AM in Marshak MR2
BCCheikhna Mahawa DiaganaMoWe 10:00AM-11:40AM in NAC 4/113
*CNDavid JohnSa 9:00AM-1:00PM in NAC 5/110
EFDoris PichardoMoWe 2:00PM-3:40PM in NAC 6/112
FGIpsa BezbaruaMoWe 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 6/114
KLNicholas VideenTuTh 8:00AM-9:40AM in NAC 6/114
LMTsz Chung LoTuTh 10:00AM-11:40AM in NAC 6/115
PRIsrael HernandezTuTh 2:00PM-3:40PM in NAC 4/209
RSSouad AjararTuTh 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 4/115
STThea PignataroTuTh 6:00PM-7:40PM in NAC 1/203

Historical offerings

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