The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Matthew Auth

Portrait of Matthew Auth
MR 215
Office hours
MW 9:30-10:30 in NAC 5/111
Office phone
(212) 650-5132


I studied differential geometer at the University of Massachusetts where I received a Ph.D in mathematics in 2001. After completing my Ph.D I taught mathematics at Smith College in Northampton Massachusetts for one year. I then moved to New York City to teach at Bard High School Early College, an innovative public high school which is also a two-year college.

Before beginning graduate school, I taught math for two years in a high school in West Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer.

Summer 24

346 Linear Algebra

391 Differential Equations


For Summer 2024, Matthew Auth is teaching:

Past teaching

The City College of New YorkCUNY
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