The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Final Exam Room Resources

Final Exams

All final exams should be given in-person, last 2 hours and 15 minutes, and count at least 40% of the course grade. Make sure you understand the course policy for calculators and technology on final exams before giving your final exam. Notify your students repeatedly in-person and via email of your section's final exam schedule (both time and place). We do not want any students lost during final exams. If you are uncertain of the final exam policy in your course, reach out to the course supervisor of your course or George.

Group Final Exams

All Math 150, 190, 195, 201, 205, 209, 212, 213, and 391 sections will take the course's group final exam. Group final dates can be found on the Official Fall 2024 Final Exam Schedule. Instructors teaching a group final exam course will proctor and grade all final exam papers in his/her section. Instructors teaching a group final course will not write the group final exam. The course supervisor of the group will write the group final exam for all group final exam sections.

Group Final Room Excel Room Schedule with section seating assignments by columns from the room links below, except for NAC0/201 which is divided by color.

Here is the same room schedule file as a .pdf Group Final Room Schedule PDF

Non-Group Finals

If you are not teaching a section giving a group final, your section's final exam will follow the Official Fall 2023 Final Exam Schedule. All non-group final exams will be given in the regular classroom for the course at the time indicated on the schedule (different from regular course time). Instructors of non-group final exam sections will write, proctor, and grade the final exams in his/her section.

Room Seating Charts


MR2. Here is a excel sheet for MR2 with green and grey columns for multiple sections sharing room.

MR3. Here is a excel sheet for MR3 with green and grey columns for multiple sections sharing room.



NA0-201 many seats do not have numbers. You will have to help your students find their assigned seat. I have a color coded seating chart NA0-201 colors

NA1-203 chart and NA1-203 color-coded

NA5-101 chart and NA5-101 color-coded

SH205 (72 movable desks) SH207 has 74 movable desks and pic is similar to SH205.

SH304 13 Columns x 9 Rows (three middle columns only have 8 Rows) = 114 seats

BH 210. Baskerville Hall (BH) is on the north end of campus on the corner of 140th Street and Convent Ave. There are many missing seats in BH 210. Here is a missing seat map for BH 210 created by Chun.

Aranow seat chart

BH 106 pic. This is a pic of 1/2 of the BH 106 room. The other 1/2 of the room is identical.

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