The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Welcome Math 201 Students


Brightspace for the course is available and contains copies of important items mentioned below, as well as a link to the OneNote I use during lecture. I am constantly adding materials to BS and announce when I do via email from WebWorK. I encourage you to use Brightspace to communicate with each other, especially to set up study groups.


We will be using a different, free, text as mentioned in the first link and on Blackboard. A mapping between the department text by Stewart and the Strang, et al, book we are using is attached under "Documents" at the bottom of the page.

HW, grading, and text info

Department CLO/Stewart syllabus


Please have your CCNY ID card available during all exams.

Exam #1 will be Tuesday, March 4, 2025 concentrating on all of Strang chapter 2 and 3.1-3 & 3.5, in the usual classroom, during class time.

Final exam will be comprehensive and on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 6:00-8:15pm, room tba.

Falling objects

Later in the term, we will be studying motion problems involving Newton's Laws and discoveries of Galileo. Check this out to see feather vs ball falling:

BBC2 on youtube

Tutoring and other resources

for students page

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