Welcome Math 201 Students
Brightspace for the course is available and contains copies of important items mentioned below, as well as a link to the OneNote I use during lecture. I am constantly adding materials to BS and announce when I do via email from WebWorK. I encourage you to use Brightspace to communicate with each other, especially to set up study groups.
We will be using a different, free, text as mentioned in the first link and on Blackboard. A mapping between the department text by Stewart and the Strang, et al, book we are using is attached under "Documents" at the bottom of the page.
Department CLO/Stewart syllabus
Please have your CCNY ID card available during all exams.
Exam #1 will be Tuesday, March 4, 2025 concentrating on all of Strang chapter 2 and 3.1-3 & 3.5, in the usual classroom, during class time.
Final exam will be comprehensive and on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 6:00-8:15pm, room tba.
Falling objects
Later in the term, we will be studying motion problems involving Newton's Laws and discoveries of Galileo. Check this out to see feather vs ball falling: