The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Math 19000: College Algebra and Trigonometry

Supervisor: David John

Introduction to algebraic expressions and equations, rational expressions, exponents, functions and their graphs, and right triangle trig. Prereq.: placement at college entry or by subsequent examination. 4 hr./wk.; 3 credits.


Welcome to College Algebra!

In this course, we will thoroughly prepare you for the challenges of MATH195 - Precalculus. You will engage in comprehensive practice manipulating expressions, equations, and inequalities. These essential techniques and skills will form the foundation of algebraic methods that you will rely on throughout your future mathematics courses. We aim to ensure you have a solid understanding and proficiency in these fundamental areas, setting you up for success in more advanced mathematical studies.



Text and Materials

  1. Intermediate Algebra, 2nd Edition


Course Grades

Your course grade will be weighted and calculated as follows:

Assessments Weight
Exams 38%
Final Exam 40%
Quizzes 10%
Hw 6%
Weekly Tutoring Requirement 6%

The lowest exam score will be dropped.

Sample Final Exams

Sample Final A

Sample Final B

How to Succeed in this class

How to Succeed in this class



For Spring 2025, the following sections are being offered:

LetterInstructorTime & Place
DMaría Sánchez-MuñizMoWe 12:30PM-1:45PM in NAC 0/201; Fr 12:00AM-12:00AM in Online-Asynchronous
*ECRachel SoykMoWe 8:00AM-9:15AM in NAC 4/113; Fr 12:00AM-12:00AM in Online-Asynchronous
HAdam MarrMoWe 6:30PM-7:45PM in Baskerville Hall 210; Fr 12:00AM-12:00AM in Online-Asynchronous
KDavid JohnTuTh 8:00AM-9:15AM in Marshak MR3; Fr 12:00AM-12:00AM in Online-Asynchronous

Historical offerings

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