Welcome Math 201 Students
Extra Examples
Mr. Park has shared his solutions to many of the even numbered problems in the text. They can be found at this link.
Falling objects
Check this out to see feather vs ball falling:
Cloud Notes
The link is posted on Blackboard (see below).
Blackboard for the course is up and running. It contains an announcement with the link to the cloud lecture notes. I encourage you to use Blackboard to communicate with each other, especially to set up study groups.
First day handouts contain section specific grading, homework and other info: afternoon class FG and evening class GH.
Please have your CCNY ID card available during all exams.
We will go over the Fall 2011 department final on the last day of class. PLEASE try to do the test yourself under exam conditions (in 2hr 15min, without notes, book or calculator) prior to that.
section FG
Final exam: Monday, May 21, 1:00-3:15pm, room MR3. Seat assignments will be posted at the entrance to the room, please check that before you enter, and sit in the assigned seat.
Quiz #2 will be Wednesday, May 9, at the start of class, on sections 4.1-4, lecture to follow.
Exam #2 is scheduled for Wednesday, April 25, at the start of class, on all covered sections of chapter 3, lecture to follow for second hour.
Exam #1 scheduled for Wednesday, March 21, has been postponed to Monday, March 26, at the start of class, on all sections of chapters 1 & 2, lecture to follow for second hour.
Quiz #1 will be Wednesday, February 21, at the start of class, on all sections of chapter 1, lecture to follow.
section GH
Final exam: Monday, May 21, 6:00-8:15pm (NOTE ending time is later than usual class period), room NA5/110 (regular classroom).
Quiz #2 will be Wednesday, May 9, at the start of class, on sections 4.1-4, lecture to follow.
Exam #2 is scheduled for Wednesday, April 25, at the start of class, on all covered sections of chapter 3, lecture to follow for second hour.
Exam #1 scheduled for Wednesday, March 21, has been postponed to Monday, March 26, at the start of class, on all sections of chapters 1 & 2, lecture to follow for second hour.
Quiz #1 will be Wednesday, February 21, at the start of class, on sections 1.1-5, lecture to follow.
We will be using WebWork online open source homework system. There is no charge for this program. It is available at the section specific links in the first day handouts. Please make sure you are logging in to the appropriate section (note there is also an FG2 section which is NOT one of my classes). Your login is your CCNY domain name typed in all LOWERCASE letters, and your password is the one that goes with it, both case sensitive. These are usually the same as your Citymail userid and password. NOTE: you cannot change your userid or password on the system, or the email address you want it to use, even though it makes it seem like you can (if you change your domain password on CCNY's site, then it will automatically change on Webwork). Also NOTE that student passwords expire every 180 days, so you may all of a sudden be unable to logon after successfully using the system in the past. You must change your password via the preceding method in order to be able to use the system again.
Additional practice problems from 2nd edition of text (NOT to be collected):
Link to pdf list is below, under documents.