The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Orbits on infinite surfaces stabilized by pseudo-Anosovs

Mathematics Colloquium

Time and place

1 PM on Tuesday, May 17th, 2011; NAC 6-113

Martin Schmoll (Clemson University)


Canceled. Martin's flight was canceled.

We start describing two infinite surfaces/billiards: The Ehrenfest Windtree model (billiard) and the folded plane, which is a half-translation surface essentially introduced by Panov. Those two models pretty much "look" the same, but carry very different dynamical behavior in certain directions. The unfolding of the Ehrenfest Windtree model and the folded plane are connected by a W-like covering diagram. If we fix certain parameters both surfaces contain the "same" pseudo-Anosov, the eigen-directions of which define path of very different bahavior: On one model such a path is escaping, on the other it is dense.

We describe the two models and the mechanism which gives the extremely different orbit behavior in the same direction.

This is joint work with Chris Johnson.

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