The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Searching for a simple theorem that uses the full force of 3D geometrization

Mathematics Colloquium

Time and place

12:30–1:25 PM on Thursday, April 11th, 2024; NAC 6/113

Dennis Sullivan (CUNY Graduate Center)


3D geometrization means that one can build all closed orientable three manifolds up to diffeomorphism from quotients of the various eight Thurston homogeneous geometries via quotients by discrete subgroups of the full isometry groups. This, by two gluing operations of finite sets of related manifolds with boundary.

One knows the various geometric pieces have naturally related real projective structures that almost but rarely completely respect the torus gluing procedure while no example known completely respects the sphere gluing procedure.

The talk will discuss working around these obstacles using möbius transformations in 3D which preserve round contours and round spheres.

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