Quiver-graded Grothendieck-Springer resolutions and the isospectral Hilbert scheme
Time and place
12:20 PM on Thursday, September 29th, 2016; NAC 6/113
Mee Seong Im (United States Military Academy, West Point)
Grothendieck-Springer resolutions are fundamental and important in representation theory and algebraic geometry. I will begin by giving the construction of quiver-graded Grothendieck-Springer resolutions using filtered quiver representations. I will also explain how the isospectral Hilbert scheme is related to the Hamiltonian reduction of an extended Jordan quiver in the Borel setting, which is analogous to the results of Gan-Ginzburg and Nakajima. If time allows, I will discuss the relationship between Cherednik (double affine Hecke) algebras and deformed affine quotient of the Borel moment map. This is joint with Lisa M. Jones.