Lauren Ruth
- Position
- Adjunct Associate Professor
- Office
- MR 326
- Office hours
- Monday 1:30-2:30pm, Friday 11:00am-12:00pm, Saturday 11:00am-12:00pm (Zoom link posted on Brightspace)
- Office phone
- (212) 650-5105
- Ph.D. 2018, M.S. 2014, Mathematics, University of California - Riverside, Riverside, CA. Advisors: Prof. Alain Valette, Prof. Feng Xu.
- B.S. 2011, Journalism with double-major in Mathematics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
In Operator Algebras / Functional Analysis:
- Ishan Ishan, Jesse Peterson, Lauren Ruth, Von Neumann equivalence and properly proximal groups, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 438 (2024), 109481, ISSN 0001-8708.
- Talk at Banff International Research Station (2019)
- Talk at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021)
- L.C. Ruth, The product of lattice covolume and discrete series formal dimension: p-adic GL(2), Expositiones Mathematicae, Volume 41, Issue 1 (2023), 55-70, ISSN 0723-0869.
- Sara Azzali, Sarah L. Browne, Maria Paula Gomez Aparicio, Lauren C. Ruth, and Hang Wang, K-homology and K-theory of pure braid groups, New York Journal of Mathematics, Volume 28 (2022), 1256-1294.
- Ruth, L. Two New Settings for Examples of von Neumann Dimension, dissertation (2018).
In Mathematical Music Theory:
- Ruth, L.C. Altered Chord Alternatives. In: Montiel, M., Agustín-Aquino, O.A., Gómez, F., Kastine, J., Lluis-Puebla, E., Milam, B. (eds) Mathematics and Computation in Music. MCM 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13267 (2022). Springer, Cham.
Previous Appointments
- Assistant Professor, 2020-2024, Mercy University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Dobbs Ferry, NY.
- Post-doctoral Scholar, 2019-2020, Research Assistant Professor, 2018-2019, Vanderbilt University, Mathematics Department, Nashville, TN. Supervisor: Prof. Jesse Peterson.
For Spring 2025, Lauren Ruth is teaching:
- Math 32404-RS: Advanced Calculus II; TuTh 4:00PM-5:40PM in NAC 5/111
- Math 36600-L: Introduction to Applied Mathematical Computation; TuTh 9:30AM-10:45AM in NAC 6/112