The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Graduate Application Fee Reimbursements

Through a generous gift from the Rich family, the Mathematics Department is able to reimburse some of the costs of undergraduate mathematics majors and Master’s mathematics students when applying to graduate (Master’s or PhD) programs which the students are considering enrolling in after graduation from CCNY.

We can reimburse 10 applications and then 75% of up to the next 10 schools with a cap of $1500.


  • You must be an undergraduate junior or senior mathematics major or mathematics master's student. Alternatively, you can be a recent CCNY graduate. You are eligible to apply within a year of graduation.
  • You must have at least a 3.0 average across mathematics courses taken at CCNY.
  • You must meet with a faculty mentor in the mathematics department to discuss the schools to which you intend to apply (see mentor form below).
  • You must have a Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). (If you do not have one of these then we may not be able to process your reimbursement. Contact George Brathwaite to inquire about reimbursement in this case.)
  • You must apply for reimbursement by May 17, 2024.

Reimbursable expenses:

  • Application costs to graduate programs.
  • Costs of taking GRE and TOEFL tests and sending the results to graduate programs.

We require receipts (which must include method of payment, e.g., the last four digits of a credit card) for proof of payment.

Requesting reimbursement: Students need to fill out a Application Fee Reimbursement Form, have a Mentor form signed by a faculty member, attach receipts from all allowable expenses incurred, and give this all to George Brathwaite. The forms can be sent to George by email or or sealed in an envelope addressed to George and turned in to the Math Office. It is okay to apply more than once (for distinct expenses).

Meet the Platonic Solids: Cube

The cube

The Platonic solids have been known since antiquity, and they play a prominent role in Plato's description of the physical world. The planar faces of each solid are identical polygons. Only equilateral triangles, squares and regular pentagons appear.

Although the platonic solids seem to be purely geometric objects, they embody a number of deep algebraic features. Their symmetries, for example, relate to the solution of polynomial equations of low degree.

If you would like to learn more about Platonic solids, you can start here.

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