The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Welcome Math 201 Students

I will post and email a Blackboard announcement once I have turned in grades.

Cloud Notes

The link is posted in an emailed Blackboard (see below) announcement.


Blackboard for the course is up and running. It contains an announcement with the link to the cloud lecture notes. I encourage you to use Blackboard to communicate with each other, especially to set up study groups.


Links to first day handouts contain section specific grading, homework and other info:

HW, grading, and text info



Please have your CCNY ID card available during all exams.

Exam #3 will be Wednesday, December 5, 2018, concentrating on sections 4.5-5.4.

Exam #2 will be Wednesday, November 14, 2018, concentrating on sections 3.5-4.4.

Exam #1 will be Monday, October 15, 2018, on Ch. 2 and 3.1-4.

Final exam will be Monday, December 17, 2018, 6:00-8:15pm, in MR 3.

Falling objects

Later in the term, we will be studying motion problems involving Newton's Laws and discoveries of Galileo. Check this out to see feather vs ball falling:

BBC2 on youtube

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