The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

The Graduate Program

General information

The CCNY Mathematics Department offers a Master of Science (M.S.) program in Mathematics. This program serves a range of students interested in strengthening their mathematics. The degree has a great deal of flexibility, and is suitable for students with a range of interests.

Courses generally meet in the late afternoon and early evening hours to help accommodate students who are teaching or working during the day.

MS degree requirements

See our MS degree program description for the formal requirements. We also have a two year graduation plan, and a one year graduation plan.

Graduate Chair

Graduate Students

You can learn about some of the graduate students in our Master's program from looking at these “News” articles.

Program and courses

Our program is flexible and can serve a range of student interests, with courses ranging from pure mathematics to probability and statistics.

Required background for the program

Our students come from a range of backgrounds. Though primarily our students had a undergraduate majors in mathematics, we also have students whose undergraduate majors were in science, engineering or other mathematical fields including economics.

Application and admission

Our program admits students to begin their graduate work in both the fall and spring semesters.

Funding and costs

Our MS program is among the most affordable and we endeavor to support graduate students with adjunct teaching opportunities on campus.

Administrative and miscellaneous

CUNY regulations can be bewildering, particularly for those without previous experience in it.

After the program

Many of our students have gone on to doctoral-level study at other institutions, primarily in mathematics and statistics but also in biostatistics, economics, computer science, and other fields. Other graduates of our program have followed careers in education at many different levels, careers in research centers including biomedical, engineering, and computational fields, and other graduates have found careers in actuarial or mathematical finance fields.

Some of our news articles about graduate students discuss what the students will be doing after they graduate.

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