The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Summer Rich Internship Presentations II

Math Club

Time and place:

12:45 PM on Thursday, October 10th, 2019; NAC 6/310


Speaker: Ryan Olsen, Abdullah Khan (CCNY Math Department)

Abdullah Khan:

My work with Professor Medvedev involved studying specific parts of a Theorem by Hrushovski in a paper by Hirotaka Kikyo “On Generic Predicates and Automorphisms” in logic. My goal over the summer was to learn the necessary abstract algebra to parse this theorem and understand it. My final report consists of the preliminary mathematics needed to do this and an exposition of the theorem by Hrushovski from the perspective of an introductory student of mathematics.

Ryan Olsen:

A theoretical cryptographic scheme based upon sending a string of bits, 0 and 1.

This protocol circumvents the computational hardness assumptions found in most cryptosystems used today, although with a slight loss in accuracy. Its implementation and further improvements will be discussed.

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