The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics!

Mathematics Department operations are being performed via a mix of remote and in-person means. To contact the department, see the page devoted to contacting the Mathematics Department.

Introduction to the department

A City College graduate, and later Mathematics Professor, Jesse Douglas, was a recipient of the first Fields Medal in Mathematics -- regarded by the profession as the equivalent of the Nobel prize. Nobel laureates Herbert Hauptman in chemistry, Kenneth Arrow and most recently Robert Aumann (2005) in economics, were former City College math majors who received their Nobel prizes for highly mathematical work.

Indeed, dozens of our graduates, having received a rigorous and inspiring education from the College, have achieved recognition as world leaders in all fields touched by mathematics. Hundreds of others have become mathematics educators, business executives, and respected faculty in colleges and universities throughout the country. You can read about some of our recent undergraduate and graduate students.

We invite you to share in this magnificent tradition. Whether you are just beginning college-level mathematics, or are interested in graduate study, or are somewhere in between, you will find in our Department the instruction you need. We offer a wide selection of introductory and advanced courses, taught by an outstanding group of dedicated faculty, many of whom are internationally renowned mathematicians. Browse through our site to learn what we have to offer and how we can use our talents to help you develop yours.

Department of Mathematics
The City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue
Marshak building room 529
New York, NY 10031
Phone: (212) 650-5346
Fax: (212) 650-6294

Meet the Platonic Solids: Cube

The cube

The Platonic solids have been known since antiquity, and they play a prominent role in Plato's description of the physical world. The planar faces of each solid are identical polygons. Only equilateral triangles, squares and regular pentagons appear.

Although the platonic solids seem to be purely geometric objects, they embody a number of deep algebraic features. Their symmetries, for example, relate to the solution of polynomial equations of low degree.

If you would like to learn more about Platonic solids, you can start here.

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