The City College of New YorkCCNY
Department of Mathematics
Division of Science

Math 30800: Bridge to Advanced Mathematics

Supervisor: Pat Hooper

This course explores the logical and foundational structures of mathematics, with an emphasis on understanding and writing proofs. Topics include set theory, logic, mathematical induction, relations and orders, functions, Cantor's theory of countability, and development of the real number system. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR. Prereq.: A grade of C or higher in MATH 20300 or MATH 21300 or placement by the Department.

View the Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) for the course. (These may vary slightly by semester according to instructor preferences.) This includes a list of the textbooks typically used.


The textbooks depend on the choices of the instructor. Often, the following two books are used:


For Spring 2025, the following sections are being offered:

LetterInstructorTime & Place
CBenjamin SteinbergMoWe 11:00AM-12:15PM in NAC 6/111

Historical offerings

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